Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Principles of Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Principles of Management - Essay Example The decision-making process entails recognizing the issue, choosing an alternative and assessing the usefulness of the decision taken (Robin & Coulter, 2004). Since the problems have already been identified, I would proceed with the latter aspects of the decision making process. As being new to the company, I would try to gain the trust and confidence of the employees. For this purpose, they would be lead by exemplary performance in the firm. I will listen to their problems and would strive to solve them. Informal sessions would be conducted to find out the employee way of performing job role prior to my appointment. This would give me an idea as to how changes should be implemented. Bringing changes in Company XYZ would not only involve alterations in the current organizational structure but also in the behavior of the employees. To bring about this change, there would be a requirement of a team of change agents which will assist me in implementing the change. It often happens that people show resistance to change. To overcome this problem, I, along with my team members, would communicate the changes to the employees and address their grievances or fears related to the change. These problems would be dealt in the following manner: Leadership is an important aspect of any organization. With sound leadership, companies can prosper. On the other hand, the weak leadership can lead to the downfall of any organization. Leadership is not only important for employees in the top management rather it is essential for employees at any level; be it top, middle or lower level. The reason why leadership is necessary at all levels is that through effective leadership skills, employees can influence other employees (especially their subordinate) and thus obtain good results and performances. The question here arises is what are the leadership skills? Or more importantly, what leadership skills are lacking in the employees of Company XYZ? According to the trait theories, based on the research conducted in the 1920s and 1930s, seven traits were identified.

Monday, February 3, 2020

Interpretive Analyses essay on edward abbey book desert solitaire

Interpretive Analyses on edward abbey book desert solitaire - Essay Example and in your own, the flavor of an apple, the embrace of a friend or lover, the silk of a girls thigh, the sunlight on rocks and leaves, the feel of music, the bark of a tree, the abrasion of granite and sand, the plunge of clear water into a pool, the face of the wind" (p. xiii) Travelling in the sand of the desert and the rocky barren land are like conducting the excavations in the goldmine which bring forth new hopes and experiences from the author’s perspective. This book is like the oases in the desert. Abbey has no hesitation in stating categorically, "... I have personal convictions to uphold. Ideals, you might say. I prefer not to kill animals. Im a humanist; Id rather kill a man than a snake" (p. 20) and the reader will understand why Abbey makes such a hard observation as he turns the pages of the book! The content of the book is the summing up of Abbey’s benevolence. He intensely likes the silence and the grandeur of the wild desert and the quiet life of its inhabitants. The beliefs and practices of this naturalist are the need of the time when artificiality dominates in every area of the human activities. When human being, enamored of the scientific achievements, acts as if the nature is the permanent enemy, its exploitation is the birth right and one must be ever at war with it. Abbey sees paradise in canyons and the Colorado River and resents industrial tourism. In every small detail, in the oscillating blade of grass and the mighty roar of the river, Abbey relishes the mesmerizing beauty of Nature! He pleads that environmentalism should not be the view but the way of life. Condemnation of the defilers of Nature is not his literary pastime, but a strong conviction. The contents of the book are not the official annual report of the ranger who is posted in the part for one year. This one is not an ordinary ranger! For the exploiters, the bounties of Nature are the monetary rewards—it’s their commission. For Abbey it is the mission!