Sunday, December 8, 2019

Technology a Boon or Bane free essay sample

A world without transportation BY JfrY0430 A world without transportationour world today depends heavily on means of transportation. Whether it be automobiles, trains, airplanes, boats, or even bicycles, we have come to depend on these forms of transportation to do the things we want to do and go the places we want to go. To go to school, work, shopping malls, movies, and even the grocery store we Just hop in our cars and away we go. To go to business meetings in Los Angeles, basketball games in Wisconsin, or vacations in Hawaii, we just book the next flight and were there. To import and export goods, businesses and corporations Just load them up on a truck, plane, or ship, and off they go. On the topic of transportation, U. S. Secretary of Transportation, Mary Peters, says:Each year, Americas transportation system from the roads to the skies, rails and ports helps travelers reach their destinations and carries billion of tons of freight worth trillions of dollars in economic stimulus. We will write a custom essay sample on Technology a Boon or Bane or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Transportation is synonymous with opportunity in America connecting workers with Jobs, products with markets, and families with each other. Peters)Over the years, we have become so dependent on these forms of transportation to help us get the Job done to the point of imagining a world without it would seem crazy, almost impossible. But what if? Suppose, due to our limited amount of resources, we could no longer use these forms of transportation. In a desperate act to conserve these resources, the law banned the use of cars, planes, boats, trains, and any other form of transportation that uses such resources. What if, suddenly, we had to live without means of transportation such as automobiles, irplanes, and ships? What would we do if we no longer had those airplanes to fly us across the country? What would businesses do if the trucks, planes, and ships they use to transfer their goods could no longer be used? Would we revert back to the days of horse and buggy? How would we live? How would we get around from place to place? To what extent would this change the world? With all of our other technology that we have today, it would seem likely that there could be some possible solution to this loss, right? This would, without a doubt, change our lifestyles rastically; it would be a totally different world. It would definitely be a crazy thought to think about, but to go as far as saying that its impossible? I think not. We wouldnt have to go back that far in our worlds history to see what it was like without these kinds of things. Henry Ford, who is credited for creating modern automobile mass production, didnt build his first car until 1896 (Safra). It wasnt until 1908 when Ford began mass producing his Model T (Safra). It was in the year 1903 when the Wright brothers showed the world that man could fly (Scholastic). As you an see, it wasnt too long ago when we actually didnt have cars to drive and planes to fly; it was only a little over one hundred years ago. So what would it be like, in our advanced world today, to no longer have these forms of transportation? We would, in fact, have to revert back to the days of horse and buggy because really, how else could we get around? A good way to start searching for some of these answers would be to look at the lifestyles of the Amish. The Amish separate themselves from mainstream society for religious reasons and are known for their plain style of dress

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