Friday, January 10, 2020

Explain the Value Proposition and Give an Example

The value of the definition of philosophy: the value of specific things are an integral part of the human brain is everything in the world is divided into two major categories of useful and harmful, from the two major types of specific things in the abstract thinking by the absolute abstract things or meta body, is the world The interaction with all things in general, the interrelated nature and capacity of each specific things that have the universal nature and provisions. Is the value of specific things with the general provisions, the nature and performance.And specific matters, subject and the object, things and events, sports and exercise, objects and objects of interaction and mutual influence, interrelated and mutually reunification is the value of the existence and manifestations. We have observed as the main object of the people and as the living environment and living things interact and influence, can be found on the living environment and their interactions with each othe r on the nature and impact of capacity and found that the value of human beings and the environment.In human terms, the world is to human survival and development have meaning and value of things, the phenomenon of conflicts, the question of the identity of opposites, the world is valuable in the world, all things are valuable things. Value is the value and composition of the negative value of the unity of opposites. Now most people have said the value of which is the object of promoting the survival and development of the main character and ability, is the principal object of which is the positive meaning and positive values.In fact the object of the role and impact of the main survival and development capabilities and value, not only has a positive meaning and value, also has a negative meaning and value, is the positive and negative significance, value and the negative value is composed of confrontation Entity. For example, the value of coal and oil. Coal and oil for human surviv al and development not only has a positive meaning and positive values, but also has a negative meaning and a negative value.The large number of coal and oil exploitation and utilization to accelerate the economic development and improving people's living standards, but also an increase of carbon dioxide emissions, caused by the greenhouse effect, destruction of the natural environment, damage the long-term survival and development of people's fundamental interests. Why do people have to understand and transform the world  » Because the world ith human survival and development of a close relationship, because the world is the role and impact of all things human survival and development of the nature and capacity of the world because everything has its own value. Only through its own actions to rid the world of human survival and development of all living things have a negative meaning and value, give full play to the world and use all things to human survival and development of a positive meaning and value of human beings continue to achieve the fundamental objectives of the survival and development.We in real life the basis of the experience and ability to understand, can quickly determine a thing, the phenomenon of contradictions and problems with regard to the value of the number and value for our brains thinking through how to dispose of the produce of things Awareness of mental preparation for doing a good job.Value judgement is the daily life of every person in the frequency of the highest awareness of thinking is that we stimulate the senses and the impact of the various matters or whether an interest in objects, whether or not to proceed further the understanding and thinking, whether or not to take the body of a prerequisite for disposal . Is the value of natural objects and the general provisions of the universal nature.We observed through a chemical substance with a chemical substance in contact with the chemical reaction, can be found on the two chemical substances involved in a chemical reaction by the nature and capacity of each chemical substances found chemical reaction involved in the relative The proportion found valence. Valence by a chemical substance that is the role and influence of other chemical substances in nature and capacity that such chemical substances with regard to the value.For example, we observed through a chemical substance with a chemical substance in contact with the chemical reaction, can be found on each chemical substance involved in chemical reactions by the nature and capacity of each chemical substances found involved in the chemical reaction The relative proportions and found that valence. Valence by a chemical substance that is the role and influence of other chemical properties and ability, this is another kind of material on the value of the material. Is the intrinsic value of knowledge requirements and components.Is the value of the property with knowledge and ability, any knowledge of h uman existence and development is of significance and value of human progress and development do not have any sense of knowledge does not exist. The value of social consciousness is the inherent requirements and components. Social consciousness of the human brain is the command people in the community life and acts of intention, ideas, ideals, rules, programmes, line and policy. Is the social awareness of the value of the properties and ability is an integral part of social consciousness.Any social consciousness are guiding people how to live in society and acts of meaning and value, not guiding people how to live and act significance and value of social consciousness does not exist. For example: â€Å"the truth. † The truth of the human society, the overwhelming majority of the people's survival and development is of great significance and value of social consciousness. The vast majority of human society and human survival and development is of great significance and value o f truth is the basic feature is the sole criterion of truth.

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