Thursday, November 7, 2019

buy custom Research Methods and Critical Thinking Skills

buy custom Research Methods and Critical Thinking Skills Ebola Virus Outbreak with Absence of a Vaccine Introduction The first discovery of Ebola virus was made in the year 1976. The virus was then in two countries, Sudan and Zaire. In Sudan, 284 people got infected by the virus. The mortality rate then was over 53 percent. A few months later the Ebola-Zaire virus emerged in Yambuku. It was more virulent and had a higher mortality rate of 88 % with 318 people infected. Tremendous efforts were put in place by the researchers with the aim of identifying the virus natural reservoir but all was in vain. Ebola Ruston emerged in Ruston Virginia from the monkeys that were transported from the Philippines. It was the third strain of the virus, which has been discovered in the United States. The third strain saw people get seroconverted by the virus; however, they did not develop the hemorrhagic fever. Ebola cote d Ivore was discovered in 1994 (Li and Chen, 2013). It was an accident that occurred with an ethnologist who was performing a necropsy on a dead chimpanzee in Tai forest.

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