Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Kwanzaa Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Kwanzaa - Essay Example Umoja means unity (Ramirez, 2012). It mandates that every person that traces their descent from Africa must institute and maintain unity among themselves and a goodwill spirit as well. According to Ramirez (2012), it implies instituting family unity, unity across races in which each individual belongs, unity among the African American community and unity with Africa as a motherland. The purpose of this principle is to create a strong bond among the various entities, personalities and characters that share a common ancestral lineage. This is the second principle. It is a Swahili word, which translated means self-determination (Ramirez, 2012). Self-determination depicts the motivation in an individual to support intrinsic or natural tendencies that concerns with effective behavior and healthy mannerism. In this context, Kujichagulia principle indicates the importance of maintaining ones original identity as well as defining oneself and creating a special identity that relates to ones origin (Ramirez, 2012). It demands that the African Americans be proud of themselves and their origin, which ultimately enables them to communicate with sincere joy and pride. It also enables them institute effective interpersonal connection with other ethnicities, races and cultures. Ujima means collective duty and responsibilities (Ramirez, 2012). It directs the African community in working together to produce results that promote the greater welfare of the community. According to Ramirez (2012), it requires the African society to support one another in needy circumstances and in resolving social problems, that one or a few individual cannot address effectively. Ujamaa means cooperative economics (Ramirez, 2012). According to Ramirez (2012), this principle encourages African Americans to support local businesses in their respective communities and to accord preferences for local suppliers and

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